Translation of Our Instructional Materials

About this service

Since 2005, COMET has been translating key lessons into multiple languages and hosting them on the MetEd website, which is also available en español. Through the publication of over 150 Spanish and 75 French lessons, we’ve developed expertise in the translation of complex scientific materials. Our processes and approach to quality assurance are well respected throughout the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) community.

In addition, COMET developed the Translation Resource Center (TRC) to support the WMO community's efforts to expand the availability of training materials through translation. The TRC offers resources to guide a translation effort, and a forum to exchange ideas and resources. It contains the Guide to Translation Project Management, which was developed as a collaborative WMO Global Campus project by COMET and the Meteorological Service of Canada, with funding by NOAA's National Weather Service International Activities Office.

Here are a few of the many translated lessons available on MetEd: