Our Vision & Mission
We are driven to help partners build the expertise, resilience, and capacity needed to reduce weather-related risks to their communities. This passion informs our vision and mission.
Our Vision
Weather forecasting as a field is advancing. Continuing to refine and improve weather forecasts is not enough; to have a real impact, forecasts need to provide clear and effective communications that drive action. Forecasts need to help decision-makers understand the impact of extreme weather and climate events so they can prepare and protect their communities.
We envision building educated, competent, and resilient communities around the world with the expertise and capacity to understand, predict, respond, and adapt to weather, water, and climate events.
Our Mission
COMET’s mission is to advance the weather, water, and climate fields through
- Scientifically robust, accessible, and fascinating learning products and experiences that build competency
- Customized training and innovative tools to build the capacity of collaborators
Our Approach
The following five strategic goals support our mission and guide our work:
Outstanding Learning Experiences
- We continuously seek, experiment, and build expertise to continuously improve existing and emerging educational strategies and technologies;
- We develop and deliver innovative, customer-tailored training solutions addressing broad and diverse stakeholder needs.
Global Access to Education and Technology Solutions
- We work to expand access to educational and technology solutions to broaden global capacity for weather, water, and climate decision-making.
- We work to ensure education and technologies are accessible, inclusive, and relevant to a diversity of global audiences.
Impactful & Recognized Products and Services
We work to drive scientific and societal impact that seeds continual global growth of understanding, prediction, and adaptation to weather, water, and climate
Excellence through Innovation
- We create a structure and a system that inspires and recognizes innovation in collaboration with our partners.
- COMET team members share a culture of inclusiveness, equity, and accessibility that is practiced within COMET and as a part of COMET collaborations with partners, stakeholders, users, and learners.
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